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.:Tuesday, April 01, 2008:.
Lucid Dreams

So, time changed, spring came or at least is doing it’s best to do so…

Don’t ask me why I’m writing again on this blog, a couple of months ago, I decided to write for myself and forget about writing poor poetry and daily life stories on a weblog. But anyhow, the chapter isn’t finished, not yet.

Wake up, make coffee, have a fag, go work… aim for 2,3 kids. Bah, where does your responsibility begin? Here? Wiping away the nebula from your sight, struggling to find where you really are. You’re trying to find the direction of the flow, but not to follow it. You struggle to hold on to the axis of time but not to space. You can’t separate dream and reality, over even the boundary between what’s real and what’s possible…

It isn't time to make dreams possible, but to make them real.

.:Lo wrote this at: 4:51 AM:.

.:Monday, February 04, 2008:.
God wants to know

God would like to thank you for your belief and patronage. In order to better serve your needs, He asks that you take a few moments to answer the following questions.
Please keep in mind that your responses will be kept completely confidential and that you need not disclosed your name or address unless you desire a direct response to your comments or suggestions.

1. How did you first find out about God?

∆ Newspaper
∆ Television
∆word of mouth
∆ Divine inspiration
∆ other: ________

2. Are you currently using any other sources of inspiration, security or guidance in addition to God? please tick all that apply

∆ none ∆ bio-rhythms ∆ sex
∆ tarot ∆ insurance policies ∆ alcohol
∆ fortune cookies ∆ lottery ∆ other: _______
∆ horoscopes ∆ television
∆ self-help books ∆ advice colums

3. God generally employs a limited amount of Divine Intervention to keep balanced level of felt presence and blind faith. Would you prefer: (choose one)

A. more Divine Intervention
B. less Divine Intervention
C. current level of Divine Intervention just right
D. don't know

4. God also attempts to maintain a fairly balanced level of disasters and miracles. Please rate on a scale of 1-5 His handling of the following:

A. Disasters (flood, famine, war)
1. unsatisfactory
2. poor
3. average
4. good
5. excellent

B. Miracles (recovery from disease, heroic rescues, sports upsets)
1. unsatisfactory

5. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for improving the quality of God's services?

Thank you.

.:Lo wrote this at: 4:50 PM:.

.:Thursday, January 24, 2008:.
This Morning

Enter without knocking, rude bastard…
All the gaps of time in between were connected
My life felt more precious than ever
The principle of uncertainty guided my life
toward my incomprehensible innocence

I woke up lovesick and bewildered
I felt peace that only rain knows about
Silence was a state of freedom
Silence in solitude

Words held their scent
it was January

This morning light filled my hand with light
and continued it’s existence in me.



.:Lo wrote this at: 3:06 PM:.

.:Monday, January 14, 2008:.


"I live by the ocean
and during the night
I dive into itdown to the bottom
underneath all currents
and drop my anchor
this is where I'm staying
this is my home"

Frederik Hendriklaan 62
2582 BD 's-Gravenhage

Y se abrieron las puertas.
Y entró la música.
Y la magia.
Y la arena.
Y las posibilidades.

.:Lo wrote this at: 4:33 AM:.

.:Monday, November 26, 2007:.
Like a Rolling Stone.

Increíble que la vida quepa en una caja de mandarijntjes del Albert Heijn.

Increíble que Scheveningen sea una copia mal pintada de algún barrio bogotano.

No tengo casa, pero me siento en casa. No en un sitio fisico, abstracto. Es caos, agujeros negros que no tienen cabeza ni pies. Mi vida diaria consiste de algo que no existe, lo anti-dutch.
Me acostumbro a la cegera nocturna mientras figuro deficiencias intelectuales, mientras saco el el virus que dejó el pasado no muy lejano y guardo el jugo de mis memoirs para hacer una colada de evidencias.

No tengo internet, ni cable, sólo un televisor de esos que hay que dejar calentar para que salga cualquier imagen. No tengo mi tarjeta de banco, pero tengo lo que master card no puede comprar.

Tengo a Scheveningen, a las alemanas y abstenia hasta el final de mis días.

Que no me esperen en la casa, si me buscan estoy en la playa, rodando como una piedra rodante.

I'm all at sea.


.:Lo wrote this at: 3:36 PM:.

.:Wednesday, October 31, 2007:.

London Calling

Was it spontaneity? or just causes from a overdosis of South African wine? was is Luisa and her Southamerican accent? or perhaps the need to get away from the city I now call home.

So we left, with the moon as out only light.

I would hear whispers telling me they'd like me to know that I might have found myself a right that could never go wrong... and there we went.

Flying to the Isles, playing poker with a magician as he whispered facts and memories and tricks between hearts, dimonds and spades.

And there we were, living the life of the rich and famous with a poor british accent, 2 pounds in our hands and no cards under our sleeves.


.:Lo wrote this at: 1:59 PM:.

The story starts again.

life knocked on my door. I knew it was time to make a change, to write again, even if all of you have left and perhaps will never return. This has always been an experiment for me and as egocentric as it can sound, nothing will stop me from writing here...
but, if you ever comeby, there's always an empty wall where you can leave your message,
after the beep.

.:Lo wrote this at: 1:55 PM:.

.:Thursday, October 18, 2007:.
Oh Oh Den Haag.


.:Lo wrote this at: 12:54 PM:.