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.:Saturday, February 04, 2006:.
Romance & Cigarettes.

As a huge fan of all kinds of film festivals, from "La candelaria", to Berlin, Barcelona, Venice and of course... The International Film Festival in Rotterdam.

This time, I dared myself and went to the surprise film. Expecting something like before, for instance: Los Huevos, Caché, Good Bye Lenin, Habana Blues, Turtles Can Fly or A Little Piece of Heaven, but no. This time I had the pleasure to watch a John Turturo movie.

Romance & Cigarettes.

"A man should know how to be romantic and how to smoke his brains out"

A low-and-dirty musical in search of fidelity, redemption and gingerheads.

It was so refreshing to see a film-maker who is willing to take the huge, bold risks that John Turturo has taken in his direction. Also, what a treat it was to see James Gandofini, Susan Sarandon, Christopher Walken and Kate Winslet singing and dancing and making outrageous and exciting acting choices. A wonderful selection of music, a charming and literate script, consistently good performance and a wise philosophy about red-heads.Whatt else could you ask for in a movie.

"There's blond and brunette, but there's nothing like a red head"

Now Playing: Tenderly (Chet Baker)- Depende (Jarabe de Palo)- Pigua (Miguel Ospina) Best Served With: espressos.


.:Lo wrote this at: 11:53 AM:.